west - central

ghana conference

ghana conference

West-Central Ghana Conference is a church administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Ghana. It consists of the central part of Western region of the Republic of Ghana; bounded on the north by Anyafuri, on the northeast by Twifo Nyinasi, on the west by Cote d’Ivoire, on the southeast by Mpohor district, and on the south by Ahanta West district. The conference headquarters is in Tarkwa, Ghana.


Events leading to our establishment

The Sabbath message was brought to Tarkwa in 1940 by two goldsmiths from Kikam and Bobrama, named Philip Quarshie and J. K. Amoh. The two friends worshipped in the home of Philip Quarshie with their families at Tarkwa na Aboso (TNA), a suburb of Tarkwa, for some time until new members joined them as a result of their sharing the message at their goldsmith shops at TNA and Abontiako.


God's mission and vision for us

That West-Central Ghana Conference will grow and multiply through proclamation of the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels’ message of Revelation 14:6 – 12, leading members to become Christ – centered, Holy Spirit directed, Evangelism driven and Spirit of Prophecy utilizing community in preparation for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To mobilize a motivated and spiritually prepared people of God in the West-Central Ghana Conference territory for a total evangelization of her catchment area through preaching, teaching, heading, training and service, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal savior and together with them prepare for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Organized  2017




Worship Centers Nationwide


Population ( Online Statistics )

territories of wcgc

Central part of Western region of the Republic of Ghana


Twifio Nyinasi

Mpohor District

Ahanta West District

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a family of Christian believers who are united in mission, purpose and belief.

our mission

Helping Those Around Us Understand The Bible To Find Freedom, Healing And Hope In Jesus

our method

Pursuing Our Mission Through Christ-like Living, Communicating, Disciplining, Teaching, Healing, And Serving.

Our vision

The Restoration Of All His Creation To Full Harmony With His Perfect will And Righteousness.

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